St Patrick's Day with the Pogo Mogo

Mark Smart, caretaker of this IIIC Ryan Winstead wanted to visit Pogo Pogo's collection of guitar amps
Pogo's outboard gear Electronic Organ Kit Pogo's control room.
Ryan visits the mic locker third row to timing stg sporting the grados
dancing while tweaking is essential Some knobs are bigger than others™ dhnk----rrrRRROOOWWW
new front page shot this line6 unit is green with envy skip normal stop
skip tracer stop Jason Degelman plays too crappy grey cables are the best
oscillator on wrong focus point dude instantaneous pitch destabiliser
freak vernier for those curious this is Jason Degelman
This is not Jason Denonville. Afterwards, a piano bar The amazing Chuck Senrick
Chuck plays an original My cat Walter